According to Chinese traditional medicine, Wulong reduces heat, revitalises the body, and has a harmonising effect. Wulong strengthens the immune system, regulates blood sugar levels, promotes proper digestion, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents the development of cancer cells, lowers stress, and improves mental health.
Learn more about the BIOCHEMISTRY OF A TEA LEAF
Temperature: 90-99 °C
Amount: 5-7 grams per 120 ml of water
Steeping: 10-30 sec x 7+
Temperature: 95 °C
Amount: 2-3 grams per 250 ml of water
Steeping: 1-2 min x 2
Learn more about TEA BREWING METHODS
Bao Zhong, literally "the wrapped kind", refers to a practice of wrapping the leaves in paper during the drying process that has largely been discontinued due to advancements in tea processing. In the late 1700s an immigrant from Anxi, Fujian named Wang Yicheng made a wulong tea from the Qing Xin varietal. Wang did not roll the leaves, instead, he wrapped the striped tea leaves flat in white paper and stamped the packages with the name of his tea house. This type of tea came to be called “Baozhong”.