Due to the special cultivars, climate, and quality of the tea leaves, this type of tea is rich in amino acids, vitamins, and microelements. The highest quality green teas are made from spring young buds and leaves, traditionally processed to prevent oxidation and to keep the tea leaf in its original chemical composition. Green tea regulates body temperature and is very good in the summertime.

In China, it is considered that the highest quality green teas are harvested during the Ming Qiang period (before “Qing Ming”, which translates as “Pure brightness”), from March 6 till April 5! These teas are very delicate, have a full taste, and rich aroma, and contain fewer tannins, but there are many trace elements and essential oils. The period after Qing Ming till Gu Yu (“Grain rain”) April 20 is also a very important period when tea masters produced high-quality teas. There is one more period called Yu Hou (“After the rain”) made after Gu Yu.

Due to the research over the past few decades, it has been discovered that green tea reduces the risk of heart disease, cleans the circulatory system, strengthens blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, lowers blood sugar, prevents the development of cancer cells, and relieves nervous tension.

Most common production process: harvesting - killing-green – rolling – drying.

This type of tea has a bright, refreshing infusion with grassy and nutty notes.

Learn more about the BIOCHEMISTRY OF A TEA LEAF