Shu Pu'er has a very short history. The technology of its production was developed in 1973 at Kunming University (Yunnan Province). This method allows the processing of tea leaves with an artificially aging effect. A distinctive feature of the production of shu pu'er is the technology of wet stacking, when, under the influence of humidity, high temperature, and microorganisms, takes place the process of fermentation and the transformation of chemical substances inside the leaf.

Shu pu'er does not need to be aged. A good shu gives a very pleasant taste, even if it is only one year old. After 3-5 years, sharpness disappears, and the taste becomes softer and more harmonious. Young shu pu'er has a characteristic taste of wood and earth. Subsequently, the tea acquires smoothness and notes of nuts and dried fruit. It has a thick, rich, strong, yet soft, smooth, and evenly sweet taste.

Most shu pu'er is produced by creating a recipe (blends) of different materials to create an interesting complex taste. A pu'er recipe is a combination of many things, such as the percentage of raw materials of various grades, the temperature, and humidity of stacking, the duration, and the degree of fermentation. Factory technologists develop recipes, look for new flavours, and the most successful recipes are repeated year after year.

Most common production process: harvesting - killing-green – rolling - wet-pilling – drying.
This type of tea has an intense, complex, deep taste with woody and nutty notes.

In Yunnan Province, the red soil is enriched with iron, so Pu'er tea also contains this valuable mineral, which is beneficial for the human body. Tea from this province contains more polyphenolic organic compounds, which are the most powerful antioxidants. Shu Pu'er has a beneficial effect on the health of the stomach and digestion in general.

Learn more about the BIOCHEMISTRY OF A TEA LEAF
Learn more about PUERH TEA BASICS