Ba Nuo is a village not far from the famous Bing Dao, Shuangjiang, Mngku, Lincang, Yunnan, China. An average altitude of 1900 meters, a unique chemical composition of the soil, a perfect climate, different from other places in this region, as well as 200+ years old tea trees, make this tea unique, with its own organoleptic properties and original character. While not as popular as the region's more famous villages, local teas are just as powerful and high-quality.
Dry tea leaves have a woody, smoky, nutty aroma. Pleasant, deep forest motifs promise an interesting and unusual tea experience. Warmed tea leaves continue with woodier forest motifs, with light dried fruit notes. Rinsed tea leaves fully reveal the dried fruit universe. There are exotic fruits, citrus motifs, and spruce notes. Despite its young age, thanks to very high-quality raw materials, the tea has an aged sheng pu'er profile.
The taste is sweet, and strong, with slight astringency and bitterness. The taste can be distinguished by woody, smoky, nutty, and herbal notes. The tea leaves a long woody, smoky aftertaste. The amber color of the infusion, silky texture, and light freshness in the aftertaste. The excellent quality of raw materials, and powerful, rich taste make this tea an excellent candidate for further aging.