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Čajomír Tea Festival - is one of the biggest tea events in Europe, which will take place this August in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. This is the 15th time this event has united a lot of tea people and brought tea professionals from all around the world to one special place. A big two-day event, dedicated to tea, teaware, tea culture, and various tea-related topics. Tea lovers will have an opportunity to share their vision about what tea is, as well as have a good time with like-minded people. Pottery artists will be promoting and selling their pottery, tea brands will be presenting their best-sellers, some will be educating and speaking about the basics and classics, and some will be presenting their innovations in the tea industry. Beautiful place to spend a few days if you are into tea and are looking for inspiration to make new steps deeper into understanding tea culture.

This year will be experimental due to an idea to unite Tea and Hookah cultures together to attract more people and to experience both things at the same time. This will be an interesting moment that will bring some uniqueness to such an event. You never know before you try, so I hope to see you there and experience this moment together.


Event will take place at the park of Výstaviště - a historical exhibition ground which is used for exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events, founded in 1891. It is located in Bubeneč near the metro station on Metro line C Nádraží Holešovice.

Výstaviště 67, 170 00 Praha 7-Holešovice,
Prague, Czech Republic


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AN SHIM TEA will represent some of its best teas as well as speak about some basic things on how tea could help in everyday life through simplicity and self-awareness. We will prepare special AN SHIM TEA products to show people the potential of a high-quality tea material and how it affects the flavour and the beneficial properties of the drink. Some simple things must be spoken out once again to spark the brain of the young tea generation.

Bring your teacup and open-minded attitude to discover new things and dive into noble states and truthful knowledge.


Čajomír Fest 2023 is over but the aftertaste is like after a very good tea. This year was unique and memorable due to the weather and people who were stronger than that. The first day was rainy all day long but participants and guests showed their unconditional love and came to share it. That was unexpecting pure love and I loved to share every single cup with everyone! The second day was a present for all of us and a sunny day brought a lot of joy and happy faces. We deserved this and it was like Ying Yang's theory on practice.

I would like to thank everyone who came to our stand and shared their love for our tea and what we do. Vietnamese tea was greeted with delight and nice vibes and we are looking forward to getting back all these teas in our assortment as soon as possible. People were quite surprised due to our presentation style, in a champagne glass, but for us, it’s quite an ordinary thing. Almost everyone noted the very high quality of this year’s harvest and enjoyed the full full-bodied taste of our teas.

Finally, I would like to thank all the colleagues I met during this stay in Prague, all the tea houses, and new tea friends! Looking forward to participating in Cajomir Fest 2023 which will be our 15th anniversary!